Looking for fish for your 10 Gallon tank? In the world of fishkeeping, 10 gallon fish tanks are considered nano tanks. As someone who’s been in the tropical fish business for over 50 years, I’m not a big fan of nano tanks because it is challenging to maintain good water quality in 10 gallon aquariums. However, I understand that it is not practical for most fishkeepers to have the space for large 50 gallon aquariums. In reality, most homes and apartments only have space for 10 gallon aquariums (maybe 20 gallons max). So I’d like to help you be successful with your 10 gallon fish tank by recommending fish that will thrive in small 10 gallon aquariums. Below you will find different 10 Gallon fish tank set-up ideas.
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Fish for 10 Gallon Tank
1. White Cloud Minnow and Honey Gourami
One way to set up your 10 gallon tank is to combine a school of peaceful White Cloud Mountain Minnows (Tanichthys albonubes) and one Honey Gourami (Colisa chuna).
White Cloud Mountain Minnows
White Cloud Mountain Minnows are very hardy minnows that will survive in any water parameters. They are native to Southern China, its natural habitat is that of a mountain stream- they are happy in cool, clean water. White Cloud Mountain Minnows are small, schooling fish growing up to 1.75 inches (4.5 cm).

Honey Gourami
Honey Gourami is a dwarf gourami growing up to 2.75 inches (7 cm). They are peaceful in nature and can tolerate a wide range of water parameters. Keeping both White Cloud Mountain Minnows and Honey Gourami will make a nice 10 gallon tank habitat.

White Cloud Minnow and Honey Gourami tank | 10 Gallon Tank Set-Up |
Tank Size | 10 Gallons |
Number of Fish in 10 Gallon Tank | 10 White Cloud Mountain Minnows (Tanichthys albonubes) 1 Honey Gourami (Colisa chuna) |
Aquarium Plants | Sprial Eelgrass (Vallisneria spiralis) Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) Java Moss (Vesicularia dubyana) |
Aquarium Decor | Rocks for hiding |
Substrate | Sand or Gravel |
Filter Type | Hang On Filter |
How to Set Up a 10 Gallon Tank for White Cloud Mountain Minnows and Honey Gourami
Set up a 10 gallon fish tank with live aquarium plants and rocks. Do leave open space for swimming. Both fish are tolerant of a wide range of water parameters. Keep the water temperature on the cooler side at 72-77F. Use a hang on filter and decorate the 10 gallon tank with live aquarium plants like Spiral Eelgrass, Hornwort and Java Moss. They are inexpensive and easy fish for 10 gallon fish tanks.
2. Live Bearer Tank
Another idea for your 10 gallon fish tank is to set up your aquarium as a live bearer tank with guppies and swordtails. These are common fish for 10 gallon tanks. It’s ideal for first time fishkeepers and beginners because guppies and swordtails are easy and low maintenance fish.
Plus you don’t need to do anything special and you will be guaranteed to have breeding fish. The amazing thing about guppies and swordtails is that they are live bearers, so they give birth to live fry. No need to wait for eggs to hatch! It’s instant gratification and very rewarding.
If you have kids, I suggest setting up a live bearer tank with guppies and swordtails for your child’s 10 gallon fish tank. My grandson has swordtails and guppies in his 10 gallon fish tank. He gets so excited every time there are new fry in the fish tank. It’s really a lot of fun for kids.
Guppies are popular freshwater fish and will live happily in 10 gallon aquariums. They are very active fish, males will chase the female guppies around and they will get excited when you walk by the tank. Guppies are great for beginners because they are hardy fish and can tolerate a wide range of water conditions.
Guppies breed very easily. In fact, large female guppies can produce over 150 fry every 4-6 weeks!

Swordtails are also another popular freshwater fish for 10 gallon fish tanks. Swordtails are compatible fish with guppies. They also breed easily. In fact, female swordtails can produce 200 fry every 4-6 weeks! Swordtail fry are bigger than guppy fry. My grandkids love swordtail fry because they are red and easier to spot than guppy fry. Swordtails are bigger so they can easily eat their fry, so when you are setting up your 10 gallon fish tank, make sure you create plenty of hiding places for fry.

How Many Fish in 10 Gallon Fish Tank?
You can set up a 10 gallon fish tank with 4 guppies and 3 swordtails. Get 4 guppies (1 male and 3 female) and 3 swordtails (1 male and 2 females) for your 10 gallon aquarium
Liver Bearer | 10 Gallon Tank Set Up |
Tank Size | 10 Gallons |
Number of Fish in 10 Gallon Tank | 4 Guppies (1 male and 3 female) 3 Swordtails (1 male and 2 female) |
Aquarium Plants | Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) |
Aquarium Decor | Rocks |
Substrate | Gravel |
Filter Type | Hang On Filter and Sponge Filter |
Water Temperature | 70-77F (21-25C) |
How to Set Up a 10 Gallon Aquarium for Guppies and Swordtails
When setting up your 10 gallon fish tank, keep in mind that swordtails and guppies will breed. That means you need to set up the fish tank with plenty of hiding spaces- use rocks, plants and fun aquarium decorations. I suggest strategically placing dense clumps of hornwort for the fry to hide in. You should also use gravel as your substrate so the crevices in the gravel can serve as extra hiding spots for the fry.
Set up your 10 gallon tank with 2 filters because there is a high chance you will face an overcrowding situation once your guppies and swordtails start breeding. The double filter set up in your 10 gallon fish tank will help ensure your water quality is good. Set up your 10 gallon fish tank with one sponge Filter and one hang-on filter. The sponge filter inside the tank will prevent little fry from getting sucked up and the hang-on filter will serve as a supplemental filter to keep the water clean. Maintain the water temperature at 70-77F (21-25C).
What to Feed Your Guppies and Swordtails
Feed your guppies and swordtails tropical flakes twice a day. I suggesting crushing the flakes with your fingers as you feed since guppies and fry have little mouth. They will enjoy the occasional brine shrimp as a treat.
3. Shell Dwellers
Another idea for your 10 gallon fish tank is to create a cichlid shell dweller aquarium. Multies (Neolamprologus multifasciatus) are African cichlids from Lake Tanganyika. They are small shell dwellers growing to 1 inches long. Multies are entertaining fish- they will rearrange shells and sand. You will see them swim in and out of shells. And under the right water conditions, Multies will breed. They can have 3-4 fry every 2 weeks. The good thing about Multies is the parents will take care of their fry, they won’t eat them!
Multies are small shell dwellers that will do well in 10 gallon fish tanks. They are active cichlids digging around for buried shells. You will need to provide at least one shell per fish. Once they start breeding will find the male and female multies living in adjacent shells. It’s a lot of fun to watch these active cichlids. I don’t suggest plants in your multies tank because they will uproot them.
How Many Multies in a 10 Gallon Fish Tank
Get 4 to 6 multies for your 10 gallon tank. Make sure you have plenty of shells in your fish tank.

Shell Dweller | 10 Gallon Tank Set-Up |
Tank Size | 10 Gallons |
Number of Fish in 10 Gallon Tank | 4-6 Multies (Neolamprologus multifasciatus) |
Aquarium Plants | None |
Aquarium Decor | Rocks, Snail Shells |
Substrate | Sand |
Filter Type | Sponge Filter |
How to Set-Up a 10 Gallon Tank for African Cichlid Shell Dwellers
Set up your 10 gallon fish tank with sand, one large cave and lots of empty snail shells (escargot shells will do nicely). Make sure you have lots of large empty snail shells at least 1 shell per adult fish. Use a sponge filter for your 10 gallon fish tank because you don’t want the fry to get sucked up by the filter. Multies will need hard water, high PH and temperature range of 73-79F (23-26C). It’s best not to mix Multies with other fish in a 10 gallon fish tank because they can get territorial and aggressive towards other fish.
What to Feed Multies
Feed them tropical flakes and brine shrimp.
4. Rainbowfish Tank
Furcata rainbowfish (Pseudomugil furcatus) are great fish for a 10 gallon tank. They are active schooling fish that are fun to keep in a 10 gallon tank. Furcata rainbowfish, also called fork-tailed Blue-eye and Fork-Tailed Rainbowfish. They are peaceful fish from Eastern Papua New Guinea.
Furcata Rainbowfish can grow up to 2.5 inches or 6cm long (but are usually smaller than that). They are schooling fish, so get a group of male and female Furcata rainbowfish for your 10 gallon tanks.
How Many Rainbowfish in 10 Gallon Fish Tank
Get 6 to 8 rainbowfish for your 10 gallon fish tank.
Rainbowfish | 10 Gallon Tank Set-Up |
Tank Size | 10 Gallons |
Number of Fish in 10 Gallon Tank | 6-8 Furcata rainbowfish (Pseudomugil furcatus) |
Aquarium Plants | Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) Java Moss (Vesicularia Dubyana) Water Spangles (Salvinia Minima) |
Aquarium Decor | Rocks |
Substrate | Sand |
Filter Type | Hang on Filter |
How to Set-Up a 10 Gallon Tank for Rainbowfish
Set up your 10 gallon tank with plants and a central open swimming area for your rainbowfish. Plant live aquarium plants like Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus), also have some surface cover using floating plants like Water Spangles (Salvinia Minima). They can thrive in a wide range of water parameters, temperature of 73-79F (23-26C)F.
What to Feed Rainbowfish
Feed rainbowfish crushed flake food (they don’t eat pellet). They prefer live food but you can feed them freeze dried food. Furcata rainbowfish will be happy living in your 10 gallon tank!
5. Tetra and Dwarf Gourami Tank
Tetras and Dwarf Gourami are a good combination for a 10 gallon fish tank. Tetras are peaceful schooling fish and will live peacefully with a dwarf gourami. Have one dwarf gourami as a centerpiece fish against a backdrop of schooling tetras.
Dwarf Gourami
Dwarf Gouramis are small fish growing to 2.5 inches (6 cm) long. They are hardy fish and can tolerate a wide range of water parameters.

Tetras that are Compatible with Dwarf Gourami
Tetras are popular freshwater fish that will do well in 10 gallon fish tanks. They are small, peaceful schooling fish. Although, you need to avoid tetras that are more aggressive and are known to be fin nippers. Don’t mix emperor tetras and black skirt tetras with your dwarf gourami since these tetras tend to be fin nippers. I like ember tetras, gold tetras, cardinal tetras and neon tetras for your 10 gallon fish tank. They will live nicely with a dwarf gourami. Below I have a list of tetras that can live peacefully with your dwarf gourami
Ember Tetras (Hyphessobrycon amandae)
Ember tetras are beautiful schooling fish, they will do well in your 10 gallon fish tank. The pop of bright red and bright orange of ember tetras against a backdrop of green freshwater plants will look amazing in your 10 gallon aquarium.

Gold Tetras (Hemigrammus rodwayi)
Gold tetras are peaceful schooling fish. A school of gold tetras with one dwarf gourami will look great in a 10 gallon fish tank.
Cardinal Tetras (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
Cardinal tetras are one of the most popular species of freshwater aquarium fish. It is famous for its silver body with blue and red accent. Cardinal tetras are schooling fish that will do well in a 10 gallon fish tank.

Neon tetra (Parcheirodo innesi)
Neon tetra is also another popular freshwater fish. It looks similar to cardinal tetras with its iridescent, silver body and blue and red accents. A school of neon tetras will do well in a 10 gallon fish tank.

How Many Tetras and Dwarf Gourami in a 10 gallon fish tank
For your 10 gallon fish tank, get 6 to 8 tetras with 1 dwarf gourami. Tetras and Dwarf Gourami are easy and attractive fish to have in your 10 gallon tank!
Tetra | 10 Gallon Tank Set-Up |
Tank Size | 10 Gallons |
Number of Fish in 10 Gallon Tank | 6-8 Tetra 1 Dwarf Gourami |
Aquarium Plants | Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) |
Aquarium Decor | Rocks and Aquarium Decor |
Substrate | Sand |
Filter Type | Hang On filter |
How to Set-Up a 10 Gallon Tank for Tetras
Set up your 10 gallon tank with plants and a central open swimming area for your tetras. Get live aquarium plants like Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) and Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum). They thrive in soft, slightly acidic water with temperature of 73-81F (23-27C).
What to Feed Tetras and Dwarf Gourami
Feed your tetra and dwarf gourami tropical flake food. You can also feed them freeze dried food as a treat. Don’t overfeed because it’s hard to maintain good water condition in a 10 gallon fish tank.
6. Lyretail Panchax Tank
Lyretail Panchax (Aphyosemion australe) are good fish for 10 gallon fish tanks. Lyretail Panchax are beautiful fish with vibrant coloring.
Lyretail Panchax
Lyretail Panchax are attractive fish to watch. They can grow to around 2.5 inches (6 cm) long but are usually smaller. They are peaceful surface swimmer so you need to have floating plants and a cover on your aquarium. They do better if they are not be kept with other fish. Other common names for Lyretail Panchax are Cape Lopez Lyretail and Lyretail.
How Many Lyretail Panchax in 10 Gallon Fish Tank
For your 10 gallon fish tank, get 8 Lyretail Panchax.
Lyretail Panchax | 10 Gallon Tank Set-Up |
Tank Size | 10 Gallons |
Number of Fish in 10 Gallon Tank | 8 Lyretail Panchax (Aphysomion australe) |
Aquarium Plants | Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) Water Spangles (Salvinia Minima) |
Aquarium Decor | Rocks |
Substrate | Sand |
Filter Type | Hang On Filter |
How to Set Up a 10 Gallon Lyretail Panchax Tank
Set up a heavily planted 10 gallon fish tank for your Lyretail Panchax. Get live aquarium plants like Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) and Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum), also have some surface cover using floating plants like Water Spangles (Salvinia Minima). Maintain water temperature of 64-75F (18-24C). They prefer soft water that is slightly acidic. Set up a hang-on filter in your 10 gallon fish tank.
7. Peacock Goby Tank
Peacock Gudgeon or Peacock Goby (Tateurndina ocellicauda) are striking fish for your 10 gallon tank.
Peacock Goby
Peacock Goby are very attractive fish with red patterns against the blue and yellowish body. They can grow up to 3 inches long but are usually smaller. Peacock Goby are peaceful fish and should not be kept with boisterous tankmates. I suggest just keeping a peacock goby-only tank in your 10 gallon fish tank.
How Many Peacock Goby in 10 Gallon Fish Tank
For your 10 gallon fish tank, keep 10 Peacock Goby.

Peacock Goby | 10 Gallon Tank Set-Up |
Tank Size | 10 Gallons |
Number of Fish in 10 Gallon Tank | 10 Peacock Goby (Tateurndina ocellicauda) |
Aquarium Plants | Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) |
Aquarium Decor | Rocks and Caves |
Substrate | Sand |
Filter Type | Hang On Filter |
How to Set Up a 10 Gallon Peacock Goby Tank
Set up a well-planted 10 gallon fish tank for your peacock goby. Make sure you have plenty of caves and rocks for hiding. Your Peacock Goby will thrive in soft, slightly acidic/neutral water in temperature of 72-81F (22-27C). Set-up a hang-on filter in your 10 gallon fish tank.
8. Scarlet Badis Tank
Scarlet Badis (Dario dario) are small, peaceful fish for your 10 gallon fish tank.
Scarlet Badis
Scarlet Badis are characterized by the vibrant pink orange coloring and stripes on the body. They are fun and active fish to have in a 10 gallon fish tank.
How Many Scarlet Badis in a 10 Gallon Fish Tank
For your 10 gallon fish tank, get 6 Scarlet Badis. Avoid getting more than 1 male Scarlet Badis since they can get territorial. Have one male Scarlet Badis and 5 female Scarlet Badis in a 10 gallon fish tank.

Scarlet Badis | 10 Gallon Tank Set-Up |
Tank Size | 10 Gallons |
Number of Fish in 10 Gallon Tank | 6 Scarlet Badis (Dario dario) |
Aquarium Plants | Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) |
Aquarium Decor | Rocks and Caves |
Substrate | Sand |
Filter Type | Hang On Filter |
9. Celestial Pearl Danio
Celestial Pearl Danio (Danio Margaritatus) are good fish for your 10 gallon fish tank. They are attractive fish with iridescent blue, gold and red coloring. Celestial Pearl Danio are also called Galaxy Rasbora.
Celestial Pearl Danio
Celestial Pearl Danio are peaceful schooling fish. They are small fish, growing up to 1 inch long. The male Celestial Pearl Danio are more attractive than the duller female Celestial Pearl Danio.
How Many Celestial Pearl Danio in a 10 Gallon Fish Tank
For you 10 gallon fish tank, get 6-8 Celestial Pearl Danio.

Celestial Pearl Danio (Galaxy Rasbora) | 10 Gallon Tank Set-Up |
Tank Size | 10 Gallons |
Number of Fish in 10 Gallon Tank | 6-8 Celestial Pearl Danio (Danio Margaritatus) |
Aquarium Plants | Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) |
Aquarium Decor | Rocks and Caves |
Substrate | Sand |
Filter Type | Hang On Filter |
How to Set Up a 10 Gallon Tank for Celestial Pearl Danio
Set up a 10 gallon tank with lots of plants. You can also put a few small rocks. Get a hang on filter for your 10 gallon fish tank. Maintain a water temperature of 72-75F (22-24C).
10. Red Cherry Shrimp
If you are looking for something different for your 10 gallon fish tank, get Red Cherry Shrimp. Red Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) are peaceful freshwater shrimp. They are algae eaters and easy to breed.
Red Cherry Shrimp
Red Cherry Shrimp are good for 10 gallon fish tanks. It’s best to keep a Red Cherry Shrimp only dedicated fish tank since they can be easily eaten by tankmates. If you do want to keep fish with your shrimp, good tankmates for red cherry shrimp are Celestial Pearl Danio, Platies or Neon tetras. However, in a 10 gallon fish tank, it’s best to stick with a dedicated red cherry shrimp fish tank.
How Many Red Cherry Shrimp in a 10 Gallon Fish Tank
In a 10 gallon fish tank, stock a colony of 10 red cherry shrimp.

Red Cherry Shrimp | 10 Gallon Tank Set-Up |
Tank Size | 10 Gallons |
Number of Fish in 10 Gallon Tank | 10 Red Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) |
Aquarium Plants | Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) |
Aquarium Decor | Rocks and Caves |
Substrate | Sand |
Filter Type | Sponge Filter |
How to Set Up a 10 Gallon Tank for Red Cherry Shrimp
Set up a 10 gallon tank with lots of plants. You can also put a few small rocks. Get a sponge filter, you want a gentle filter that will not suck up your red cherry shrimp. Maintain a water temperature of 65-80F. If you plan to breed Red Cherry Shrimp, raise the temperature to 80-81F.
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