Is your discus sick? Does your discus have fin rot? Is your discus suffering from hole in the head? Are the eyes of your discus cloudy? Below are the most 6 most common discus illness. We will cover what to look for, what is causing the discus illness and what the treatments are.
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1. Discus Hole in the Head
Discus hole in the head is a common discus illness. It is disturbing to see the lesions which looks like hole in the head on your discus fish. There are many reasons why your discus is suffering from hole in the head.
What Causes Discus Hole in the Head?
Discus Hole in the Head is caused by a parasite infection. This is a result of stress, poor diet, poor water quality. The parasite infection in discus is caused by the parasites hexamita or spironucleus. Some breeders also blame feeding of bloodworms as one of the causes of hole in the head in discus.
How to Treat Discus Hole in the Head
Discus hole in the head is treated by eliminating the parasite causing the infection. Treat your discus hole in the head with Metronidazole. Metronidazole is effective in treating discus hole in the head infection caused by the parasites hexamita or spironucleus. Use 1 gram of Metronidazole for every 20 gallons of water. Do this by mixing some water from the discus tank and Metronidazole. Give it to your discus for 10 days.
If you have been feeding your discus bloodworms, you need to stop feeding your discus bloodworms. Bloodworms can also be the reason why your discus is suffering from hole in the head.
2. Discus is Pooping White
Are you seeing abnormal feces from your discus? Is the discus feces looking white, pale, mucosy? Your discus pooping white is a symptom of a parasite infection.
What Causes White Poop in Discus?
The parasite causing the white poop in discus is a parasite called hexamita. Hexamita is a gastrointestinal protozoal parasite. Risk factors of Hexamita parasite infection in Discus increases with overcrowding, poor water quality, poor nutrition and recent stress from moving aquarium.
How to Treat Discus Pooping White
Treat your discus parasitic infection with Metronidazole. Use 1 gram of Metronidazole for every 20 gallons of water. Do this by mixing some water from the discus tank and Metronidazole. Give it to your discus for 10 days.
3. Discus Fin Rot
Discus fin rot is another common illness in discus fish. You will see the fins of your beautiful discus starting to fray and the edges discolored as a result of fin rot. If left untreated, eventually the entire discus fin will rot away!
What is Causing Discus Fin Rot?
Bacterial infection is the cause of discus fin rot. This is a result of a build up of bacteria in the fish tank from poor water quality, overcrowding, overfeeding and stress from moving tank. Fin nipping of discus fins by other tankmates can also cause fin rot. The discus will be more susceptible to fin rot if its fin has been nipped.
What is the Treatment for Discus Fin Rot?
You can treat discus fin rot with Oxytetracycline. Use the API Fin and Body cure to treat discus fin rot.
You should also prevent future bacterial buildup in your discus aquarium by keeping the water clean. Make sure when you change the water, you are using a siphon cleaner to suck up debris and fecal matter from the gravel and around rocks and decor.
Don’t overfeed your discus, make sure you are feeding what your discus can eat in 2 minutes. Uneaten food in the tank will cause bacterial growth which will eventually result in discus fin rot.
You should also remove any fish in the tank that are nipping your discus fins.
4. Discus is Looking very Thin even Though Eating
Is your discus looking abnormally thin? Is your discus losing weight even if it’s eating? That’s usually a sign of internal parasite.
What is Causing My Discus to Look Thin?
Most likely the common cause of your discus looking thin is due to a parasite infection. Hexamita and spironucleus are gastrointestinal protozoal parasites that can cause your discus to look thin even though its eating. Risk factors of hexamita and spironucleus parasite infection in Discus increases with overcrowding, poor water quality, poor nutrition and recent stress from moving fish tank.
How to Treat Discus Looking Thin
Treat your discus parasitic infection with Metronidazole. Use 1 gram of Metronidazole for every 20 gallons of water. Do this by mixing a cup of water from the discus tank and Metronidazole. Give it to your discus for 10 days. You can also mix Metronidazole into food.
5. Discus is Bloated
Your discus looks bloated. Discus bloating is a common discus illness.
What is Causing Your Discus to Look Bloated?
Discus bloating is usually caused by overeating and the main way to resolve the bloating is for your discus to produce bowel movement.
What is the Treatment for Discus Bloating?
You can treat discus bloating with epsom salt. Add 1 Tbsp Epsom salt for every 40 gallons and then increase the water temperature to 86 F. The combination of epsom salt and higher water temperature will trigger bowel movement in discus fish similar to taking a laxative. Once everything comes out, your discus bloating should go away. Follow up with a treatment of Metronidazole as a precaution in case your discus starts to develop a parasite infection from the bloating.
6. Discus has Cloudy Eyes
Cloudy eyes on discus fish is also a common ailment in discus fish. You will start to see a milky white film over your discus eyes.
What is Causing my Discus to have Cloudy Eyes?
External injuries to the eye is the main reason for cloudy eyes in discus fish. Your discus scratched itself in the eye or another fish caused an eye injury, all this can cause cloudy eyes in discus fish. Another reason for cloudy eyes in discus is the PH of the aquarium water is off. Too low of a PH and the resulting PH shock can cause cloudy eyes in discus fish. When the PH is off, your discus can start to lose the protective layer in the eye causing cloudy eyes.
What is the Treatment of Cloudy Eyes?
You can treat discus cloudy eyes by adding salt to the fish tank. You can also add a few drops of API Stress Coat. The aloe vera from the Stress Coat drops will heal the protective coat on your discus fish that were damaged from fish fighting. You should also check the PH level of your discus tank to make sure it is correct.
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