Frontosa Cichlid (Cyphotilapia frontosa)
Frontosa Cichlids are freshwater aquarium fish that originates from Lake Tanganyika in Africa. These cichlids are not cave dwellers rather they are deep water cichlids. They are characterized by a large cranial hump on the forehead which develops when the fish reaches maturity. It is known by the scientific name of Cyphotilapia frontosa, but may also be known as Paratilapia frontosa, and Pelmatochromis frontosus. Wild-caught frontosa cichlids are also sometimes considered a delicacy in Africa. Below you will find tips and advice on how to set up the aquarium for your cichlid, what to feed your cichlid and how to breed frontosa cichlids.
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Aquarium Set Up for Frontosa Cichlid
The Frontosa Cichlids are territorial fish but they are generally gentle and not aggressive. They are tolerant of other cichlids. Since frontosa cichlids are deep water cichlids, they need lots of room to swim. You should house them in a big aquarium at minimum 70 gallons, ideally 150 gallons. You can have 8-12 frontosa cichlids in an aquarium. Set up the aquarium with plenty of rocks and caves for hiding with a sandy bottom. Use aragonite sand for in your cichlid aquarium.
What to Feed Frontosa Cichlid
The Frontosa African Cichlid are carnivores. Feed them a diet consisting of bloodworms, brine shrimp and krill shrimp. Cichlid pellets and good quality flake food are ideal food for your cichlids.
How to Breed Frontosa Cichlid
Breeding frontosa cichlid is fairly easy. These cichlids are mouth brooders where their eggs are laid in caves and then scooped up by the female. She then incubates and carries them for 25 to 35 days. If there is danger or at night, she will keep her babies in her mouth for safety. Most mouth brooding variety of cichlids can easily be bred at home with ideal water conditions and aquarium set up. You need small group of 6 to 8 females and one male in an aquarium. It’s not recommended to have multiple males in the same aquarium. The ideal PH is 7.4 to 9.0.
How to Tell Apart Male and Female Frontosa Cichlid?
Both male and female frontosa cichlids have a large cranial hump on the forehead that develops when they reach maturity or when they grow to around 4 inches long. The above photos of frontosa cichlids are juveniles so they don’t have the cranial hump. Frontosa cichlid males usually have a larger and more pronounced cranial hump than females.
Frontosa Cichlid Facts
Origin: Farm Raised
Max. Size: 16 inches
Minimum Tank Size: 70 gallons
Level: Moderate
Water Temperature: 72-84°F
Water Conditions: PH 7.8-8.5
Color: Brown, White
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Diet: Carnivore
Compatibility: With other Lake Tanganyikans
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