Wondering if your pet fish is happy? Want to know how to tell if your fish is healthy? For the novice fishkeeper, it is sometimes hard to tell if their fish is healthy because they may look like they are swimming happily but they are really suffering from an illness. Here are easy signs to tell if your fish is healthy and happy.
Signs to Tell if Fish is Healthy and Happy
- Swimming Behavior
- Fish is swimming normally
- Fish will swim away if you approach it with net
- Fish energy level is normal
- Scales
- Scales are smooth, shiny and not broken
- No excessive slime on scales
- No Reddish patches on scales
- No Blotches on scales
- Fins
- Fins are not damaged (not fraying)
- Head
- Head of fish is not too large or too small for the body
- Eyes
- Eyes are clear
- Eyes are not protruding
- Eyes are not excessively big
- Body
- Fish does not look too thin
- The belly is not distended
- Color
- Coloration of your fish is intense and normal
- Appetite
- Fish appetite normal during feeding
Infograph on How to Tell if Fish is Healthy and Happy
Below is an infograph showing how to tell if fish is healthy and happy.
How to Tell if You are Buying Healthy Fish at the Pet Store?
When selecting fish at the pet store, you need to take your time to observe the fish in the pet store’s aquarium. Use the list above to tell whether or not the fish in the pet store is healthy.
Check for Signs of Healthy Fish
Check to see if the fish are swimming normally. What is the energy level of the fish in the aquarium? Are the scales smooth and shiny? Are there any red patches or blotches on the scales, that is a sure sign of illness. Are the eyes protruding? Eye protrusion is a sign of illness in fish. Are the fins damaged and frayed, that is a sign of illness or bullying in the fish tank.
Observe Every Fish in the Aquarium
When observing fish in the pet store, you should look at every fish in the aquarium not just the fish you are interested in buying. The other fish in the aquarium may have an illness that may not be evident in the fish you are buying. Take your time to look at every fish in the aquarium for any signs of illness. If you are not sure, don’t buy the fish.
Don’t Buy if there is a Dead Fish in Aquarium
You should also check to see if there are any dead fish in the aquarium. If you see a dead fish, don’t buy any of the fish in the same aquarium as the dead fish. There is probably an illness going around in that aquarium and you don’t want to take home an unhealthy fish with illness.
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