Fish life expectancy varies by species- fish can live for less than a year to as long as 40 years! Typically, most tropical freshwater fish can live two to four years in the aquarium.
Killifish, which are annual fish, typically live for less than a year. While Goldfish can live for up to 40 years and large cichlids can live for up to 10-15 years! Catfishes have a long life expectancy and can live for decades!
In general, you can expect fish from colder water to live longer than fish that require warmer water conditions. Larger fish species also live longer than smaller, active fish species. Fish in captivity also typically live longer than in the wild because there are no predators in the aquarium.
Goldfish Life Expectancies
How Long Can Goldfish Live?
Goldfish can live a maximum of 30 to 40 years. Being a cold water fish, the life expectancy of Goldfish are longer than your typical tropical freshwater fish.
Tetra Fish Life Expectancies
How Long Can Neon Tetras Live?
Neon tetras can live for up to 7 years. They are smaller and active fish so their life expectancy is shorter than bigger fish species.
How Long Can Black Tetras Live?
Black tetras can live up to 3 years.
Cichlids Life Expectancies
How Long Can Angelfish Live?
Angelfish can live for up to 10 years.
How Long Can Discus Fish Live?
Discus can live up to 14 years.
How Long Can Ram Cichlids Live?
Ram Cichlids (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) can live up to 3 years.
How Long Can Firemouth Cichlids Live?
Firemouth Cichlids can live for up to 15 years.
Catfish Life Expectancies
How Long Can Bristlenose Catfish Live?
Bristlenose catfish can live for up to 16 years.
How Long Can Corydora Catfish Live?
Corydoras or Cory Catfish can live long. They can live for 15 years or longer!
Barbs Life Expectancies
How Long Can Tiger Barbs Live?
Tiger Barbs can live for up to 5 years.
Danios Life Expectancies
How Long Can Zebra Danios Live?
Zebra Danios can live for up to 3 years.
Betta Life Expectancies
How Long Can Siamese Fighting Fish Live?
Siamese Fighting Fish or Bettas can live for up to 3 years.
Livebearers Life Expectancies
How Long Can Swordtails Live?
Swordtails can live for up to 4 years.
How Long Can Guppies Live?
Guppies can live for up to 4 years. Adult guppies are short lived. Don’t be surprised if they live for only a few months after purchase.
How Long Can Platies Live?
Platies can live for up to 4 years.
Gouramis Life Expectancies
How Long Can Dwarf Gouramis Live?
Dwarf Gouramis can live for up to 4 years.
Panchax Life Expectancies
How Long Can Redchin Panchax Live?
Redchin Panchax can live for up to 3 years.